12 May Wiss in Africa

Soccer Shirts for Africa! The West Island Soccer School is currently assisting Suitcases for Africa to collect used soccer shirts to send to schools in Kenya and South Africa. If you have any used soccer shirts to donate please contact us and we will forward them to Suitcases for Africa. Having sent over a bunch of soccer balls in 2006 The WISS hopes to have a continuing relationship with SFA and help others to enjoy the world game as we do. Thanks to everyone for their support!

Suitcases for Africa is an organization that started in honor of Dr. Ebi Kimanani-Johns. Suitcases containing school supplies, books, clothes, shoes, and soccer balls were sent to Itegero, Kenya for the village school children. For more information on Suitcases for Africa please visit their web site; Suitcases for Africa.

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